Lingua e Traduzione | Inglese

Laurea Triennale in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica

  • I anno

  • Insegnamento Annuale

  • In Lingua Inglese

  • 40 ore accademiche

  • 6 CFM

Presentazione dell'Insegnamento

This is a general Engilsh course, focussing on grammar and vocabulary revision and development. The level is B2, but aspects of the vocabulary will be independent of this level, being for example phrasal verbs, idioms, “false friends” and so on, which relate to all levels. Some reading comprehension will be given as homework. Lessons are 100 minutes once a week. Topics are introduced and analysed, practice exercises are done both in class and for homework, and questions can be raised and discussed in class.

Obiettivi Formativi

The objective of this year’s course is to reinforce and extend existing language skills and knowledge at B2 level, preparing for the two end-of-term exams which consist of: 25 multiple-choice Grammar and 25 multiple-choice Vocabulary questions (the correct answer selected from 4 options) and 22-28 multiple-choice Reading comprehension questions, in 3 texts. The Grammar and Vocabulary questions have been practised in class, while the Reading comprehensions are taken from official Cambridge English B2 sources.


The programme will include:

Review of all tenses




Reported speech

Modal verbs

Linking words

Phrasal verbs

Idioms (various)

Bibliografia/Materiale Didattico

Raymond Murphy “English Grammar In Use” by Raymond Murphy

Various Reading texts photocopied

Various supplementary exercises